List of 10+ Best & Ready to Eat Whole Wheat Flour Recipes for Any Occasion

Whole Wheat Flour Recipes: Have some yummy whole wheat flour recipes for any occasion. We usually prefer to prepare something tasty for special occasions even though we are using high-calorie products. But, surprisingly, you can now eat tasty dishes made with healthy whole wheat flour.

There are so many recipes where you can replace refined flour with whole wheat flour. We will be listing out some of the amazing whole wheat recipes in this article. Choose any one for each day/each occasion.

Whole Wheat Flour Recipes

10 Hearty Whole Wheat Flour Recipes Ideas – Easy to Cook & Amazing on Look

Whole wheat flour is the best substitute for refined flour that we use the most for making several dishes on a daily basis. Wheat flour is low in cholesterol and insulin level and maintains overall health complications. You can choose any of the below recipes for your next occasion.

Whole Wheat Banana Cake

You do not have to add heavy sugar content and refined flour to make a fluffy cake. Whole wheat flour with naturally sweet bananas can give you a cake that can turn out to be delicious. With minimal ingredients, the addition of nuts and chocolate chips inside the batter gives an extra touch to your taste buds.

Replace refined flour batter for cakes with whole wheat flour now. Whole wheat banana cake is rich in fiber and a cake that you can bake without any compromise on taste and texture.

Whole Wheat Chakli

Chakli is one of the most chosen snacks among individuals. You can add spices to the Chakli dough for extra flavor. Chakli with whole wheat flour is a great alternative for a healthy lifestyle and will boost your daily nutrient intake.

Using wheat flour will make Chakli gluten-free as well. Wheat flour chakli includes bran and germ, which are removed during the refining process of flour.

Whole Wheat Bread

If you want to bake some fresh bread at home, use whole wheat flour instead of refined flour. Escape your fear that your bread won’t turn out to be as flaky and soft as refined flour. Yes, with whole wheat flour, you can still be sure of soft, freshly baked pieces of bread.

Wheat flour bread is a great alternative to white bread, which can increase the risks of diabetes. With the use of easy-to-find ingredients, you can bake nutritious whole-wheat bread.

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Whole Wheat Halwa

Halwa is another popular sweet dish in India which is traditionally prepared with refined flour. However, using whole wheat flour won’t diminish the taste and texture. Rather, the halwa will turn out to be extra nutritious and healthy.

Any sweet dish already consists of high sugar content. Therefore, it is always preferable to replace maida with whole flour. Whole wheat flour halwa will be more fulfilling and will help in maintaining a proper diet.

Whole Wheat Cookies

Cookies are always a quick snack to go by. If you have kids at home, you need to have cookies. Bake some cookies with wheat flour and enjoy them every day during evening snacks.

Cookies baked with wheat flour are rich in fiber and therefore help in the proper movement of the bowel as compared to refined flour. For some extra flavors, you can choose to add some choco chips in the wheat flour dough for the cookies.

Whole Wheat Nachos

All of us love to make nachos with salsa or cheese sauce. But we always end up having packed nachos made with refined flour. Now, you can make a nacho dough with whole wheat flour with three simple ingredients.

Knead the wheat flour with some olive oil, salt, and water. Bake the nacho-shaped cut dough and serve well. For some addition, try to add oregano and chili powder to the nacho dough. However, these are optional.

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Whole Wheat Pancakes

Have some healthy pancakes on your breakfast table from now onwards. Mix the whole wheat dough with eggs, sugar/honey, and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well till you bring the consistency to the right order. Whole wheat flour in pancakes will make it more fulfilling for your body throughout the day.

Pizza with Whole Wheat Flour

At a party, this whole wheat flour pizza base will be loved by all. Simply replace the refined flour with wheat flour to make the pizza base. Wheat flour pizza will give you a fulfilling notion and will incorporate a proper diet as compared to a traditional pizza base.

Wheat flour pizza will prevent you from gaining weight, and you can have the pizza without any concern about burning calories the next day.

Cinnamon Rolls with Wheat Flour

We all love cinnamon rolls with tea or coffee. Now you can have healthy cinnamon rolls made up of whole wheat flour. Make the dough with wheat flour and add all other necessary ingredients to it.

Simply replacing refined flour with wheat flour will bring a healthy essence to the rolls. Just like traditional cinnamon rolls, you can top them with icing sugar.

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Whole Wheat Pies

The use of whole wheat for making the crust of the pies will turn it to be flaky at the same time, making it tender. The aroma of whole wheat flour on the crust will give an all-new essence to your pies.

You can fill your pies with any toppings you want and have a fulfilling meal. The whole wheat flour crust will help you control your blood sugar and insulin levels as well.

So, what are you waiting for? Try out these amazing healthy whole wheat flour recipes.

List of Other Simple Whole Wheat Flour Recipes for Diabetics

If you want to try some other recipes made of whole wheat flour, the below section will guide you through. These additional whole wheat recipes are easy to prepare as well. If you need a detailed explanation of these recipes, feel free to contact us.

  • Whole Wheat Tortillas
  • Whole Wheat Crackers
  • Whole Wheat Brownies
  • Whole Wheat Muffins
  • Whole Wheat Pudding
  • Whole Wheat Flour Pasta

Why Replace Refined Flour with Whole Wheat Flour?

You will come across several health benefits while substituting refined flour with whole wheat flour for making all your favorite recipes. We often skip eating what we like due to the urge to maintain fitness. But, with whole wheat flour, we are allowing you to eat your favorite dishes anytime you like.

Whole wheat flour comes with nutritional values that you will not find in refined flour. It is because while making the flour refined, it loses its nutritional components like fiber, minerals, vitamins, etc.

The low lower glycemic index in whole wheat flour helps in controlling the blood sugar level in a better way. Especially for those individuals who are suffering from diabetes, need to practice eating dishes made of whole wheat flour.

Eating whole wheat flour helps in reducing the chances of chronic diseases. Therefore, anyone who is having issues with heart problems should have meals cooked with whole wheat flour. If you eat meals cooked with whole wheat flour, it will be more fulfilling to your stomach. It is because of the rich fiber content.

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Tips on Preserving Wheat Flour Recipes

We all want to preserve recipes so that it becomes easier for us to have them later with ease. You can prepare some of the above-mentioned whole wheat recipes easily and then preserve them well for days. However, before practicing the preservation process, check out the below tips.

For preserving whole wheat recipes, there are some airtight containers for preservation. The airtight containers will help to keep the recipes intact for a long time by preventing extra moisture to get inside the containers. In case you do not have containers at home you can also use freezer-friendly zip bags.

While preserving your whole wheat recipes, make sure you mark the labels well. Now, why is this important? It is because different recipes made with whole wheat flour will have different validity times. So, it is important to label each one well. Also, use a proper marker pen to fix the label so that it does not get removed over time.

FAQs on Easy & Healthy Wheat Flour Recipes For Weight Loss

1. Which are other kinds of healthy flour to substitute with wheat flour?

In case you do not have whole wheat flour at home, you can use nuts flour or rice-oriented flour as a substitute. However, the texture of rice flour will be a little lighter as compared to whole wheat flour, but the level of healthiness is the same.

2. Is it possible to freeze whole wheat flour recipes?

As mentioned above, whole wheat recipes are great for preservation. The best prevention method for most whole wheat flour recipes can be freezing. Freezing helps in preventing bacterial growth in the recipes. So, it is recommended.

3. How to ensure that your whole wheat flour is fresh?

To ensure that the whole wheat flour you are using for making recipes is fresh or not, please check the below measure:

  • Check on the smell of whole wheat flour. If it is tangy in smell it is not fresh.
  • Check on texture by touching the whole wheat flour. If it has turned hard as grains, it is no longer safe for consumption.

Key Takeaways

The article includes all the necessary aspects that you need to know about whole wheat flour recipes. We are sure this information has enlightened you for the better. You can also feel free to send suggestions to us on any of the other whole wheat flour recipes that you feel are interesting and should be included in the list.

For more information on low-calorie breakfast recipes, feel free to bookmark our website ie.,

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