How Long Does Thyme Last? – A Simple Guide To Store Thyme For Maximum Freshness

How Long Does Thyme Last?: Like every fresh herb, thyme is also prone to stale within weeks. But as the busy people in today’s world don’t get time to shop for groceries, we may want to know some ways to keep it fresh and usable for an extended duration.

Thus this article will equip you with the knowledge of shelf life, storage techniques, and everything you may need to know about extending the expiration date of thyme.

How Long Does Thyme Lasts


Does Thyme Go Bad?

Yes, just like any other herb available in nature, thyme is also prone to perishing. It will either lose its flavor and essence or go bad completely by developing mold. Comparatively, dried thyme keeps up with the quality and aroma longer than the fresh one and is just as good. If stored the right way, thyme, be it raw or powdered, will end up longer than expected.

How Long Does Thyme Last?

The actual shelf life of thyme may be hard to determine as it is influenced by many factors like the growing techniques employed, storage conditions in the supermarket, and the category of seeds used. However, it is for sure that dried thyme tends to last way longer than raw ones. The approximate shelf life of thyme in various conditions has been listed below.

Type of ThymeAt Room TemperatureIn the Refrigerator
Raw Thyme1-2 days1-2 weeks
Died ThymeUp to 6 monthsUp to a year

How To Store Thyme?

Being a perishable condiment, thyme can deteriorate pretty fast if not paid attention to. Therefore, it is necessary that correct steps are undertaken to ensure thyme’s longevity. Thankfully, storing thyme isn’t rocket science and anyone can perform the basic stacking steps with the least effort.

  1. Although thyme can be left on the kitchen counter for up to a week, it should be stored in a refrigerator for better shelf life. The most ideal methods include wrapping it in a moist paper towel and putting it in a plastic bag, this helps keep the thyme humid while avoiding moisture buildup and allowing airflow which prevents the herb from spoiling.
  2. However, Dried thyme doesn’t require as much care while storing it, since its shelf life is longer. Best way for preserving dried thyme is to store it in an air-tight plastic container.

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Tips To Remember While Storing Thyme

Although the steps mentioned above are enough for storing your thyme professionally, you may need to keep a few points in your head while approaching that bundle of thyme sticks. It includes some basic and easy-to-follow steps which are 10 minutes of work and 1-2 weeks of waiting, giving you ready-to-use thyme which will last months. Those are as follows

  1. Wash thyme thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Tie the sprigs together and tie them indoors away from sunlight and let it dry, it usually takes around 1 or 2 weeks.
  3. Remove the dried leaves and store them in an airtight container.

How To Tell If Thyme Is Bad?

In the case of dried thyme, it usually does go bad in the essence but loses the aroma and taste over time, if you are storing it away from moisture. To test, one can take a little amount of thyme from the container and crush it in your hand and try sniffing and subtle taste, if it doesn’t feel strong like before it is better to discard this batch of your dried thyme.

On the other hand, fresh thyme goes bad in the fridge itself after some days or 1-2 weeks at max. It can be easily noticed if the sprigs are wilted and it has become soft and slimy.

If you are willing to know about more spices check out our write-up on Does Saffron Go Bad and clear your ambiguities related to it.

FAQs on How Long Does Thyme Last Fresh

1. How long does thyme last in the garden?

Thyme is grown as a woody bush in backyard gardens. It sprouts mostly in the autumn season, therefore making it important to continuously trim it so as to facilitate more growth. If thyme sticks are left unattended for a long, they will either get dense or wilt away. This is bad for your thyme.

2. How long does dried thyme last?

Dried thyme tends to last longer than its raw counterparts as spices have a longer shelf life in general. Therefore, if stored properly, dried thyme can last up to 3 years. Dried thyme can be stored in damp towels at room temperature or in the refrigerator according to the needs.

3. What happens if you use expired thyme?

If you end up using expired thyme, then there is nothing to worry about. It probably just won’t taste the same as before as it might have lost its essence and taste. Dried spices generally don’t expire as they are going bad. Rather they lose their original flavor profile. So, it is advisable that you discard your thyme over time and store it in the refrigerator.


Thyme, be it raw or dried, can serve as a really good spice to enhance food’s flavor and nutrition profile. Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to add it to various kinds of dishes all year long. We hope that this article cleared all your dilemmas about thyme’s usage. Shelf life, storing techniques, and red flags about its spoilage. Feel free to check the website for articles like How Long Does Pepper Last and about your favorite food items and beverages.

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