How Long Does Canned Tuna Last? – Everything About Canned Tuna Shelf Life, Storage Tips, Spoilage Signs

How Long Does Canned Tuna Last: A staple meal that belongs in everyone’s cabinet is canned Tuna. It offers a wide range of culinary applications and a long shelf life because of its durable packaging. Foods in cans are economical, convenient to store, and make great emergency supplies. The meat in these cans makes excellent tuna salad or tuna hot dogs. Unsealed canned Tuna has a shorter shelf life than fresh Tuna and less chance of spoiling.

Undoubtedly, you need to be aware of the finest storage practices to increase the shelf life of canned Tuna. The life span of canned Tuna, storage advice, interesting trivia, and rotting are therefore provided here. Read below to know everything about how long does canned Tuna last.

How Long Does Canned Tuna Lasts

Can Canned Tuna Go Bad? | Does Canned Tuna Go Bad?

Yes. A leaky can is a sign that your canned tuna is rotten. If the can is bulging or overflowing, something is amiss. When the cans burst, air and bacteria can get inside. The can needs to be thrown out right away if it is broken. You shouldn’t open it if it is damaged or leaking because doing so lets the pressure escape.

The canned tuna must be smelled and visually inspected; if it begins to have an off taste, odor, or appearance, or if mold begins to grow, it must be thrown out. Any cans or sachets of canned tuna that spill, corrode, explode, or have a sizable dent should be discarded.

Do Check: 

How Long Does Canned Tuna Last?

How long does canned tuna last that hasn’t been opened keep when left outside? Although it will usually still be usable after that, unopened, well-stored canned tuna will frequently maintain its peak freshness for 3 to 5 years. To maximize the lifespan of canned Tuna, keep it in a cool, dry environment.

The exact response mostly relies on the storage circumstances. When properly stored, the packaging should be unbroken, and there should be no symptoms of deterioration. The storage time indicated is for best condition only; after that, the canned Tuna’s structure, color, or flavor can vary.

Canned tuna (unopened)best-by + 5+ years
Canned tuna (opened)3 – 5 days

How Long Does Canned Tuna Last

How To Tell If Canned Tuna Is Bad?

Please continue reading to learn how to determine the quality of a can of Tuna you discovered at the back of your cupboard past its expiration date.

Examine the can

Reading the expiry date on the container is the simplest way to determine if the canned Tuna is still OK. The likelihood that your tuna fish may be spoiled increases over time. If you’re concerned that your Tuna will spoil, consume it before this time.

However, you must examine the date immediately if you’ve discovered a can that you’ve lost track of and need to know if it’s still fresh.

A fishy odor

Every now and then, fish doesn’t look the best, especially if it has been lying in a can for a while. One of the easiest ways to check if the fish is spoiled is to calm down and open the container.

Once the lid has been lifted, the aroma of salt, fat, and fish could be overpowering. You must be accustomed to the smell we’re discussing if you often consume canned tuna. However, you might be storing an infected tuna can if you open the tuna can and notice a distinct odor.

Leaking liquid

You should discard your Tuna immediately if the can is leaking since it means the fish has not been properly preserved. If there is a leakage, the food has not been stored properly and cannot be relied upon to be safe to consume. Foods in cans are pressure sealed to maintain flavor. This quality is affected if the can is spilling or has been opened.

The color

The color of fresh fish in the can is frequently pinky-light brown. Before you eat your lunch, check the color of the tuna fish to make sure it’s still suitable for consumption.

If there are any discoloration patches, don’t take the Tuna. Check the canned Tuna in the other methods we’ve described to see if it appears off. Discard the Tuna if the can is developing additional indications of spoilage, and the strange color worries you.

How to Store Canned Tuna?

It would help if you kept the canned tuna in the kitchen’s cupboard or cabinet. A safe location for the cabinet is one that is far from hot water lines and appliances that release heat, such as the stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher.

Dry off and store the tuna in cans above the ground. This will prevent the can from rusting. A dry area in your kitchen, such as adjacent to the refrigerator, or under the basin, is not a good place to keep canned tuna.

Avoid piling heavy items on top of tuna cans to prevent crushing. To help you recall, utilize old canned Tuna first, and put newer cans behind older ones.

Why is Tuna exempt from refrigeration requirements?

Your Tuna will degrade more quickly when heated, and it can become unsafe to consume. Tuna in unopened cans does not require refrigeration. The Tuna is either seasoned or put directly into the can.

Then, the cans are placed in a particular cooker that quickly warms them to a high temperature while applying pressure. During this process, the Tuna is vacuum-sealed and disinfected in the cans, making it suitable for consumption and shelf-stable.

Interesting facts about Tuna

Check out the following facts about tuna and gain some extra knowledge on the same for future considerations:

  • We consume a wide variety of Tuna.
  • In Britain, there aren’t many options.
  • With meager calories, Tuna is an excellent source of protein.
  • It has very low sugar content. However, you must inspect the tuna cans you purchase to see whether sugar or other additives have been added.
  • Considering how many vitamins tuna contains, many people adore it. It is a good source of niacin and vitamins A and B12.
  • On the plus side, Tuna is an excellent source of antioxidants. As a result, it is probably well-liked by those who are engaged in a diet high in superfoods.

Faqs on How Long Does Canned Tuna Last

1. Is Tuna in Cans Healthy for You?

Eating Tuna in cans has several advantages. It is a particularly cheap source of protein.

2. What Takes Place If You Consume Old Tuna?

Concerning canned fish, there are some things to remember. Mishandling of canned Tuna has the potential to produce food illness.

3. How long can canned Tuna last?

The shelf life of canned Tuna is 2 to 5 years.

4. How Can I Determine If Tuna Is Bad?

It must smell fishy when you open a can or another canned good. This means that the can has rotten. It may smell fishy, but it should not smell unpleasant. If that happens, it should be discarded.


Home-canned Tuna is more prone to botulism. It is unsafe to eat cans that are rusted or bulging. In general, tinned Tuna lasts longer than Tuna that isn’t canned. You ought to discard any corroded or damaged Tuna. Follow the recommendations and advice on the How Long Does Canned Tuna Last? along with canned tuna’ storage period, and spoiling indicators. Visit to quickly find out the most recent information about the food articles.

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